Friday, December 7, 2018

Local 20/20 asks action groups what recent IPCC report means to them

12 years to end fossil fuel use or face Hell on Earth.  And I ask myself: is this an energy source problem or a consumption problem?  Of course it is both, but we cannot fool ourselves that we can electrify everything in our growing economy with renewable energy without losing our salmon, poisoning our waters, mining our mountains, etc.  We cannot simply treat a symptom and overlook the cause.  What we need is a new way of being, one that puts our planet and our own humanity first.

No doubt there is a lot of inertia to our current society and change is difficult on an individual level.  Money must be made, no matter the cost, for people to stay housed and to put food on the table, but as a community anything is possible.  For the past few decades, scientists, engineers, designers, ecologists, and sociologists have been developing innumerous, adaptation techniques and technologies to live in balance with our local ecosystems and fellow community members. 

In light of all this, Local Initiatives seeks to energize and enable the citizenry of Jefferson County to evolve.  We are bringing together the people, current resource networks, and proven concepts needed to move away from fossil fuels and towards local resiliency.  We invite people to consider what the world without fossil fuel and global distribution networks look like and how we would build that infrastructure?  
Small-scale windmills vs. mega damns 
More farms, Vertical aquaponic/ hydroponic agriculture and Food forests vs trucked in produce
Electric bus network and bicyclists vs personal cars
Water harvesting and storage vs dwindling snowpack and precarious pipes 
Masonry stoves vs propane
Purposeful, connected lives vs segregated and technology-based lives
Habitat connectivity and vertical housing vs urban sprawl
Sails vs internal combustion
Community development vs fossil fuel-based tourism
fossil-free, waste management vs systems without waste

We must play our cards carefully now in order to acquire the tools and materials needed to become stewards of this beautiful part of the world while providing a fulfilling lifestyle filled with community and music.

-Roarke Jennings

Local 20/20 asks action groups what recent IPCC report means to them

12 years to end fossil fuel use or face Hell on Earth.  And I ask myself: is this an energy source problem or a consumption problem?  Of c...